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"King Lear" recap and announcing "Richard II"

From: Andrew J.
Sent on: Saturday, January 21, 2012, 8:38 PM

Another excellent turnout for "King Lear" - despite the snow, 13 showed up which was just about perfect for the number of parts available. It's a very absorbing play and our talented bunch of readers really did justice to the meaty roles. Too bad it's so long that we didn't have time to sit around and chat for longer!

Next time: King Richard the second mediates a dispute between his cousin Henry Bolingbroke and Thomas Mowbray. But negotations break down and they decide to settle their differences with a duel. Richard disagrees and banishes both men from England - a mistake that leads to his downfall and a series of events spanning 88 years, 8 plays, 4 generations and several civil wars.

For more details, see the full listing:

When: Saturday, February 4,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Inner Chapters Bookstore & Cafe
419 Fairview Ave N (between Republican & Harrison)
Seattle, WA 98109

It's not necessary to read the play beforehand, but it's easier to understand what's going on if you familiarize yourself with the plot first. Please bring copies of the text if you have them, but if you don't then don't worry about it - someone might bring multiple copies, there's probably copies in the shop and at a pinch there's always somebody who doesn't mind sharing.

The play will probably take about 2.5 hours to read. With distribution of parts and discussion, you should plan to park until at least 4:30pm. There is plenty of metered street parking available for about $5. If that's too much, let me know and I'll work something out (there's no parking for us at the Schultz Miller lot this time).

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