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Red Pill Blue Pill materials and follow-up

From: Glen J.
Sent on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 12:52 AM

What a turnout! That was amazing! And, the questions that people started asking really made the energy work (especially when I had a hiccup in a demo and we just kept going with discussion).


I have several materials that I will package up for everyone:

  • A screencast of almost the exact same talk (my practice talk in preparing for this presentation)
  • The sample code snippets that I used to demo creating an Amazon Instance
  • The PDF document "Successfully Using a Free Amazon Instance" that steps one through the basics of setting up an Amazon Instance (screenshot by screenshot)

Give me a little time to sanitize a little of the above (e.g., I don't want to accidentally check in my "private" module). I'll have the above packaged up as quick as I can for you.


Also, the flyers that I handed out didn't have my email address any more. If you are interested in the positions that I mentioned at my company, please send an email to [address removed] with your resume attached and I'll make certain they know that you came through me.







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