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Re: Installing on Ubuntu .. [ruby-99] New Meetup: Rails 3.0 Tutorial for Newbies

From: Pradeep J.
Sent on: Sunday, August 29, 2010, 12:06 PM
Thanks, Bala .. it is a good idea if you have a higher end laptop, I think.
Also, I assume from your not mentioning it that RC2 is as good as the Beta4 - I debated doing the 1.9.2-head thingie but chickened out at last moment.

The problem is I tend to have lower-powered laptops (2Gb/dualCore) and higher powered desktops (i7 8core/16GB/Graphics). My 9th grader does his iPhone development on this - grabbing a few cores just for the SDK/Mac/Virtual and he says it is faster/dual LCD screen than the dinky Macbook native SDK.

Native install on Macbooks which are not high end CPUs/memory works fine because it is NATIVE.

I am concerned, the Virtual may be quite slow on the laptops. I have noticed that for web serving the network does seem slower in a virtual box. I will try to persuade my son who is the technology expert to ubuntize one of the "low end" XP laptops for the class. I might have to start paying him :)
--- Phillip

On 8/29/[masked]:49 AM, Bala Paranj wrote:
#1. You can install VirtualBox on Windows. It is similar to VMWare but
is free and open source. Once you have VirtualBox installed you can
install Ubuntu / CentOS as a virtual machine. I would highly recommend
this route instead of trying to install the Ruby and gems on windows.
If you have any problems / questions about setting up the development
environment this way contact me and I will help you.

#2. Rails 3.0.0.rc is the release candidate, whereas the beta4 is the
beta version.

#3. You can use Eclipse as an editor on Linux.

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