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Well funded startup looking for rock star, ninja, code monkeys

From: user 2.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 5:53 PM is ponies and rainbows! We are building a kick ass product and team in a really interesting space and we are looking for the best web developers to join our team. You want to join our team!

But seriously now, we are revolutionizing the way small biz and freelancers run their business by automating bookkeeping and accounting. We scrape financial transactions, 2 billion dollars worth, and provide business and tax analysis for small business. This allows business owners to focus on what they do best and let our software automatically determine tax liability and profitability.

We are a small team who loves to code and create great products. We are an agile development shop that practice TDD, pair programming, refactoring and other XP practices. We love to learn and push browsers until they smoke.?Lastly, we are backed by the best investors in the world: Sequoia, First Round, Shasta.

Learn more and apply? Feel free to email me if you have any questions or comments (snarky comments welcomed as well).

Ben Curren


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