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Workshop topics: Everything you ever wanted to know about... what?

From: Valerie
Sent on: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 10:55 AM
Good morning, Seattle Small Business Meetup Members! As promised, this is your opportunity to get EXACTLY what you want! My goal is to put together workshops that help you 1) Manage your business better/easier, 2) Avoid pitfalls, potholes & other troubles, 3) Fix problems, 4) Learn how to do something yourself, 5) Take it to the next level, and/or 6) Accomplish other important goals. And I need your help to help me do that.

I need to know what your biggest sources of confusion, pain, annoyance, stress, or fear are. If you knew "X", your life would be a whole lot easier - what is your "X"? I know an amazing number of experts in various fields (many of them are now members of this Meetup, too!), so I am confident that I can find an expert in any area on which enough of you want information. So don't be shy - I'm offering you the opportunity to tap into a phenomenal knowledge base, a treasure trove of wisdom, a cornucopia of juicy tidbits - all you have to do is ask!

Need some ideas to get you started? How about these suggestions:

- Employees
- Bookkeeping/Accounting
- Taxes
- Marketing
- Sales
- Budgeting
- Goal-setting
- Legal requirements/risks
- Business plans
- Information Technology
- Others?? (I KNOW there are lots of others....)

Again, these workshops are for YOU, so I want to arrange speakers on topics that are most important to you. It's your job to make sure I know what your most important topics are. Replies to this email will be sent directly to me (not to the group), so feel free to elaborate as much as you like.

Thanks for helping me strengthen the resources available to the Seattle Small Business Meetup! I look forward to seeing you at a Workshop and/or Networking Night soon!

- Valerie

Valerie Myers
V.L. Myers Consulting Group
Getting Your Business to Work for You!

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