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Other events of interest

From: Mario N.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 11:16 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm going on short vacation and thus am not available to coordinate events this month for the group. However, there are a few events of interest that I thought I'd let everyone know about:

For UX and Design people OCUX is putting on SocalUX on June 1st:

It's a gathering from some of the best and brightest in the User Experience community and is put on by multiple sister groups of SCWDD.

I'd be going to this if I wasn't already booked to go to:

PhoneGap in a Day Master's series:

It's put on by Troy Miles from Kelly Blue book and is a hands on course on making apps using Phonegap. Coding is required so if you're not a coder you may not want to participate. However, if you are, it should be great! Please read the description on the eventbrite posting. I've seen Troy before and he's an engaging and clear speaker.

That's all folks! Have a great summer and let me know if you're interested in any particular topics.






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