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RE: [web-49] Mapping APIs

From: user 8.
Sent on: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 10:34 AM

Check out could be useful to you.
It includes variety of POI files for different countries. You could download the POI files and use it. Though there are tourist attractions POIs, but those didn't include any additional information such as most popular places etc.
Hope it helps.
Srinivas Chervirala
Project Manager Mobile Services
Orange Labs
801 Gateway Blvd, Suite #500
South San Francisco, CA 94089

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Tommy Wu
Sent: Wednesday, January 28,[masked]:57 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [web-49] Mapping APIs

One small clarification that would help:

I am only interested in landmark POIs (e.g. not interested in grocery stores or restaurants).  For instance the top 10 places you’d want your friend to visit in a particular city… these are likely not to change too often so I don’t need something that updates very frequently.

I haven’t assessed whether I need to have this tool on a recurring basis or just as a periodic lookup.

Thanks for all your help so far people.



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Chris Butler
Sent: Wednesday, January 28,[masked]:54 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [web-49] Mapping APIs

Hi Tommy.

It really matter what you need (restaurants, parks, geographic features, etc.), how you will use it (commercial vs. non-commercial), primary regions (different services have different concentration of content) and display method (web page, device, etc.).

There are POI or local search APIs available from a lot of companies including Yelp, Google, Virtual Earth, Yahoo, OpenStreetMaps (via CloudMade) and many others that are more specific in their content coverage. 

Looking to local search rather that POI is probably a good idea.  Generally, the main difference is that one company owns the grooming of POI data and will be slower to update whereas local search is generally indexed from the web with quicker turn around.  The downfall of local search is that not everything is always online and it could be less accurate depending on the type of data.

I am more than happy to chat offline if you want to keep certain aspects quiet.  Also, I do consulting in the LBS arena if you are interested.


Chris Butler

Sent: Wednesday, January 28,[masked]:34 AM

Subject: RE: [web-49] Mapping APIs

My company, Eventful, has an api for accessing event data …



Timothy A. Breidigan

VP Business Development

Eventful, Inc.

[masked] (office)

[masked] (cell)

[address removed] (email)

From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Tommy Wu
Sent: Wednesday, January 28,[masked]:28 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [web-49] Mapping APIs

Does anyone know of a good API for locating points of interest (POI) in the US (or internationally)?  Use case example: I supply the city name, the API supplies a list of important POIs for that city.



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