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New Meetup: Rockin' the Redi Room with Karaoke

From: Ellie
Sent on: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 11:27 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for South Bay Karaoke Singers And Friends!

What: Rockin' the Redi Room with Karaoke

When: Thursday, November 11,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Redi Room
4340 Moorpark Ave Mitsuwa Shopping Center
San Jose, CA 95129

Are you ready for this? We are gonna rock the Redi Room with some righteous karaoke tonight in honor of Veterans Day. Come raise songs of praise and jubiliation to show just how much we appreciate the sacrifices of the men and women in the Armed Services. Some of our members are veterans or members of the reserves so make sure you be especially kind to them.

Join us as we head over to Moorpark Avenue and checkout the latest new show. DJ Curtis does the show here. The Redi Room is located on Moorpark Avenue at the intersection of Saratoga AVenue. Karaoke starts at 9:00 p.m., but we'll be meeting at 8:30 to sign up early and save spots.

Hope to see you there.

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