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Casting Call

From: Dean J.
Sent on: Monday, July 16, 2012, 8:48 AM

Im passing on this message from wendy, please reply to her if your interested, not me




Meetup Message from: Vanessa, via The Brisbane Spanish Language Meetup Group Casting Call

Hi all

My name is Vanessa Rose I am the producer for 'What Planet Are You From? a documentary being developed in conjunction with QPIX in Brisbane. We are currently looking for stories about growing up in Australia as second generation Australians (Australian born to overseas born parents) for our cutting edge, multiplatform project that includes documentary film for TV plus a web series, phone app and more.

We are holding casting sessions this July at QPIX and I was wondering if any of your club members would be interested in attending a casting session or finding out more information. Perhaps some of your members are of Spanish heritage? Below is a link of the casting notice

Thank you for your time

Vanessa Rose