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New Meeting: Charla en Equal Grounds Coffee Shop

From: Elizabeth
Sent on: Thursday, February 7, 2008, 5:50 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Rochester Spanish Language Meetup Group!

What: Charla en Equal Grounds Coffee Shop

When: Tuesday, February 19, 7:30 PM

Event fee: USD1.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone interested in practicing speaking spanish (all levels are welcome!)

Meeting Description: Hola amigos!!

Vengan ustedes a la proxima 'meetup' reunion por conversaci?n y diversi?n...

Sitio/Location: Equal=Grounds Coffee Shop (website:
Address: 750 South Avenue, Rochester, 14620. Phone[masked].

Cuando/When: Tuesday (martes) February 19 from 7:30 pm to approx. 9:30 pm. Equal Grounds doesn't serve dinner-type foods, so it seems best to push to start time to 7:30.

Descripci?n/Description: This is a really relaxing and friendly community coffee shop in the Southwedge, with plenty of space for our group to chat and practice our Spanish. They serve the usual caf and decaf coffee and tea choices, as well as some pastries and specialty chocolates, and now a selection of ice cream. It's a great place to hang out and chat, as it is generally comfy and quiet enough to hear one another. I will reserve some tables for the group.

Estacionamiento/Parking: There is copious free parking on the side street by the building, and the parking lots nearby are reportedly free in the evenings. (Just double-check the lot signage to be sure if you go this route). The side street has that alternating parking system, whereby you are allowed to park on one side for 24 hours, then must switch to the other side. Just look at the signs to see which side is legal that evening. ;)

Hasta pronto!! I look forward to seeing everyone again and meeting our new members..... espero que puedan atendar!!


P.S. If you have not already attended one of our events, the $1 event fee is just to help cover my monthly fee to use the Meetup website for our group.

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