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Anyone can suggest a meetup...

From: Jenny
Sent on: Monday, August 8, 2011, 2:44 AM
Hola a todos:
As our meetup group has been growing, we've been trying out a variety of locations.  Most have been on the North side of town.  I do realize that many of you live in different parts of Columbus, and it may not always be convenient to come to the location where the meetup is scheduled.  I wanted to point out that anyone can suggest a meetup on the website.  Where it says, "Let's meetup and..." At the top of the page, you are free to suggest any type of Spanish Language/Culture focused activity.  You can put the details as to the location, day, time, etc.  This will show up as a "suggestion" on the page, and once 2 other members RSVP yes, it will become an official meetup event, and all members of meetup will be notified that this meetup is happening. 
I am pasting below the actual instructions on setting up a meetup per the web instructions. 

How do I add a new Meetup?

If your Meetup Group is set up so that members can add new Meetups, you’ll see a prompt on your Group home page that says Let’s Meetup and...

To schedule a new Meetup, click on the blank space, then fill out the What should we do section.

You can leave the other sections blank, so fellow members can collaborate on content, or add your own date, place and details.


If you’re an Organizer for your Meetup Group, you also have the option to go to Schedule a Meetup under Group tools.

Clicking Schedule a Meetup will show you all of the settings for adding a Meetup, including advanced Organizer-only options like waiting lists, payments, and RSVP limits.

Fill in all of the details, and choose Schedule this Meetup.
Thanks again to Rosetta Stone for sponsoring The Columbus Spanish Language Meetup Group! 

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