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What we’re about

It's yoga, it's tai chi, it's qigong, it's workout, it's meditation, and it's about breathing prana, the life force....and it has all of these elements and practices all at the same time. Sun Do focuses on developing life force "Ki" using its unique lower abdomen energy center "Danjeon" breathing method performed with sequential postures, stretchings, workouts and meditation. It is a whole being practice working toward cultivating vitality. Sun Do breathing method helps: - Rejuvenating/transforming body and mind - Increasing vitality, flexibility, and strength of body and mind - Accomplishing solid balance and groundedness of body and mind - Bringing longevity - Bringing balance and harmony in life Breathing....she does it, he does it. It begins with life, it ends with life. It's with you here, now. Breathe.... let's get to the point. For more information, please visit