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Clear skies

From: John G
Sent on: Saturday, March 31, 2012, 8:06 PM

Hi all, in particular to our new members!

I know I've been quiet for some time as the organiser of the group, but I've been away getting married and all the preparations before it used up all my spare time. So hi again and welcome to the new members, and thanks for holding out and having hope!

We've had some great clear nights recently and I hope you've at least taken a look up at some of the stars out there, or maybe at Jupiter and Venus around the time of their conjunction recently when they've both been visible quite clearly in the West not long after sunset (or before) and even sometimes just next to the moon. Jupiter is by far the brightest visible at that time.


There are a couple of meetup ideas not fully formed yet, and I expect to be publishing one or two soon; I would appreciate any new ideas of places to meet or things to see. I was considering some observatory tours last year but they only had limited appeal, perhaps now the group has grown a bit and the nights aren't quite as early or cold there will be more of us keen. I still went to see the Mill Hill one (University College London's teaching telescope) last year and it was an interesting tour but the sky was too cloudy for them to open up the 8" refractor dome. I'd definitely go again if it looked like being a good night though.

We also had a couple of meets on Tooting Common last year, though only one that went with any success; can any of you recommend some other places in our south-west area that are good dark spots? We could always meet up first in a brighter public space to make it less scary, and with more people at meets that also makes it easier. Its easier this time of year than mid-summer, because it takes more commitment to stay up til 11 or midnight if thats how late the stars are coming out on the long days.


Note replying to this email will send it to everyone in the group, you can also write directly to me on the organisers page on the meetup site for this group.


If anyone would like a very well attended meetup to go to (been going much longer and more established), and doesn't mind being in central London late, check out the Baker Street Irregular Astronomers - they have their own site and a facebook page and meet monthly at Regent's Park to stargaze and now have a pub meet too; I'm a regular attender there and it usually has many telescopes brought by other amateurs and everyone's very helpful and happy to share time at the eyepiece. You can see some quite wonderful astronomical things even in London, and even if its cloudy its a little fun to see what else the 'scopes can pick out - the broken elements in the BT tower's brightly lit logo, or planes as they go by...


John (group organiser)

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