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Streaming Mike Quigley (CEO of NBN Co) session at tomorrow's meetup

From: Kim H
Sent on: Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 1:32 PM


Quick update on tomorrow's meetup

Our good friends at Innovation Bay are running a breakfast session with Mike Quigley - CEO of NBN co in the CBD tomorrow morning.

Because that's at the same time as our  Meetup, they've organised for us to be able to dial in and watch Mike speak and to participate in the Q&A session from the comfort of our home at Fishburners.

The talk will run from 8:10am so we'll be set up and ready to go from 8.

After the talk (should finish by 9am at the latest) we'll revert back to our normal meetup format - i.e. standing around and meeting great people :)


For more information about Mike Quigley - go to his profile page

For more information about Innovation Bay - go to their website





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