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Thanks for attending!

From: Claire
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2015, 11:10 AM

Hello Tech in Motion Members!

Last night, we held our “Meet Your Mentor/Mentee” meetup at Radegast Hall. This was our very first event in Brooklyn and we hope you all had as great of a time as we did!

It was an awesome night of mingling, networking and connecting over some great beer. If you weren't able to make it, keep an eye on our Facebook page for pictures and our blog for the recap.

We want to thank everyone who came out and made it such a great night! Also special thanks to our sponsor MarketplaceLIVE, as well as our creators Jobspring Partners and Workbridge Associates for the event.

Don’t forget to RSVP for our Big Data Panel Discussion on June 18th at Mediaocean—looking forward to seeing you there!

-Claire, Lindsay & the Tech in Motion Team


Learn more about MarketplaceLIVE:

MarketplaceLIVE | June 10th  | 8am – 6pm | The TimesCenter, New

Tech in Motion members receive free entry when you register online:

MarketplaceLIVE helps companies grow by enabling them to connect to new partners, new markets and gain access to new revenue streams. The event brings together leading cloud computing providers, service providers, capital markets firms, large enterprises, media and entertainment companies as well as industry analysts, network strategists, and C-Level technology experts in a truly dynamic atmosphere. We are excited that David Pogue, Yahoo Tech Founder, will be inspiring and entertaining us on June 10th as our morning host.


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