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Liberty TV!

From: Zak C.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 3:01 PM
Swann TV!
Ben Swann was one of the only mainstream journalists that gave Gary Johnson and Ron Paul a fair hearing last year.  Ben spent 14 years working as a journalist in broadcast news, (most recently as an anchor in Cincinnati) has won two Emmy Awards and two Edward R. Murrow awards, and has realized for some time now that the mainstream media is just not interested in telling the truth.  Ben is taking a stand and going independent and online.
The MSM has lied about Syria, the economy, drone strikes, Edward Snowden, Michael Hastings, and the list goes on. The liberty movement will not allow the MSM to remain unchecked and unchallenged. We have the chance to take a stand and back Ben Swann's "Liberty Is Rising Truth In Media" project.
Great video about Ben and his groundbreaking new independent project
Please show your support for Ben Swann, and vote to help make a Super Bowl commercial happen for him!
We can vote once a day from now till September 22nd
Tell your friends and family about it too
You can also show your support by following him on youtube and social media –
For Liberty!

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