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Tonight at 7pm - Zen Practice with Ken Small

From: Dharma Bum T.
Sent on: Friday, January 17, 2014, 8:23 AM

Hope to see you all tonight at 7pm at The Dharma Bum Temple!

Zen Practice - The Expression of the Selfless Self

Zen meditation practice opens us to the seamless relationship between ourselves and our present time experience. When centered in our posture, breath and awareness, there is the potential to investigate this 'essential Mind' or 'selfless self'. In this Zen process of embracing 'present time awareness', the accumulations of past history and trauma are gradually moved through and a deeper human dimension of being is freed to express itself. This expression of the 'selfless self' is the essence of Zen practice.

Ken Small facilitates the curriculum at Enso Retreat Center and offers classes in Zen mindful awareness, movement meditation, Zen garden design, Meso-American spirituality and principles of the perennial philosophy. His background is in herbal-nutritional therapy, Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, Meso-American spirituality, with deep roots sourced in the perennial philosophy. He also offers guidance in Mindfulness Presencing Therapy.

Ken Small, 'emptiness facilitator', Enso School of Zen and Buddhist Philosophy