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Of course we still "on." Details below.

From: Jean M.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 6, 2015, 4:08 PM

Dear Members of the Drum Circle:

Who would miss the first full moon of the year? IThe fire will keep us warm, but if you are concerned, bring a poncho or a blanket to keep you warm. Of course, there is nothing like layers and a hat and scarf! Please bring your own hot drink or water; I might run out of time to prepare a drink. Don't forget. Bring parts of your Christmas tree or the whole thing if you can fit it in your vehicle.

Bring any instruments that you wish to add to the drumming, or anything that bangs. But please don't be reluctant to come empty handed. Your hands are for drumming. We have extra drums and other percussion instruments.

Remember supervised children are welcome and this is a no alcohol venue. Smokers please go far from others to light up and be careful with your butt.

And we on! See you all at 6:30. I am so excited!
