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New Meetup: American Heart Association Heart Walk

From: Raul D.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 3:34 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Firefighter Pipes and Drums!

What: American Heart Association Heart Walk

When: Saturday, October 2,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Seattle
Seattle, WA 98101

This event falls on a Saturday, A/B1.

The SFD is a co-sponsor for the AHA Heart Walk. As a sponsor, they would like to provide a small group to perform for the walkers. We would like to provide two pipers as a minimum but a quartet of two pipers, a side and a bass and/of tenor would be better. Backfill and early relief has been approved. If you are on A Platoon, please sign up.

The location will be announced.

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