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Wildfire - December 29 -Need co-hosts

From: Dave G
Sent on: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 9:58 AM
I was going to post Wildfire for the 29th. The alternative is the 28th but we have the Bai Wei event on the 26th so I thought the 29th would work better. However, those are the two days that Wildfire is available.

We will have $5 cocktails and handcrafted beer as well as 1/2 price starters and pizza. Due to the time of year, the patio is not really usable. Therefore, I will limit the event to 85 with a goal of 75 actually attending. We have been using 110 for wildfire. However, with the weather limitations, I am going to cut the attendance cap.

Let me know if you can co-host.


Dave G

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