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Free Scrabble Tournament entry

From: Ruby
Sent on: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 9:13 AM

Hi folks -

Some of you know that I work for Reading Connections, a nonprofit literacy agency that hosts a Scrabble tournament as a fundraiser each year. This year the Scrabble Challenge will be on March 27th. 

We have some open team spots that our event sponsors purchased but would like to donate to other players. Rather than let those tables go empty, we're throwing it open to the Greenspielers. We've done this in the past and people have been remarkably successful. Steve LeWinter's team came in 3rd place one year if I recall correctly, and Shadow's team came extremely close. There's ordinarily a cost for registration, but due to our sponsors' generosity, you can play for free!

How it works: teams of 3 pool their brain power against another team for 2 rounds. We total each team's scores for the 2 rounds and the teams with the highest cumulative scores win. (We award 1st-3rd place - prizes include trophies and bragging rights.) 

Registration starts at 6:00 (music and food will be provided for your auditory and gustatory entertainment) with game play starting at 7:00 and trophies and raffle prizes awarded at 9:00. The event will be held at the West Market United Methodist fellowship hall at the corner of Friendly and Commerce in downtown Greensboro.

(Raffle prizes are a new iPad and a Kindle Fire - email me if you want to buy tickets, or you can buy tickets at the event. You don't have to be present to win.)

So: if you are interested in playing Scrabble on the 27th, please put together a team of 3 people (they don't all have to be Greenspielers...bring your friends, neighbors, kids, etc.) and email me with the names of all 3 team members. 

Hope to see you for Scrabble!



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