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Asst Organizers

From: Mark B.
Sent on: Monday, April 28, 2008, 5:20 PM
Hello All!

My time in Tucson maybe nearing an end. So in order to sustain this group, I have gone through and anyone who had pledged to help organize meetings, I have made an asst organizer.

If anyone else wishes to hold the title of asst organizer, let me know. I figure the more organizers should lead to more meetings. It is easy to post meetings, so if you have an idea...well contact me and I will let you take the glory and plan the event.

Also... When I leave Tucson, I will continue to be the not-so-behind-the-scene-not-so-secret-financier of this meetup group (allowing me to keep my stoic bust and Leinie's picture on the group main page).

Hope everyone had a wonderful start to the week.

Mark Bulinski

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