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Local Dallas Unity Devs - Build A Game Kickstarter Project - 56 hours to go!

From: Robert B.
Sent on: Monday, March 18, 2013, 3:56 PM

Hi Game Developer Friends!

This is Chad and Eric Walker and Nathan Warden.

We are creating an application for making games, called Build a Game, part of Build a Game Universe , a place to build, play, share and sell your content and game creations.


With Build a Game Universe nearing completion, we are using Kickstarter (yea!) to help raise awareness and funding to support the final stage of the project. We invite you to take a look, let us know what you think, tell other people and if possible, help support the project. :)


Together we can change the way games are made!

We appreciate your support! :)


Thank you,

Walker Warden Walker


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