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[UX Café] Great talk on using design for competitive advantage

From: Laurence M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 7, 2012, 7:40 AM
If you're a startup I highly recommend watching this recent talk by Andy Budd from Clearleft (a world renowned UX consultancy yards from our office) at the Pioneers Festival in Vienna.

He talks about how startups need to embrace good design and see the business value in creating well designed products that look good, work well and delight:[masked]

As he says "people don't want to buy product or services, they want to buy memorable experiences."

His key message is encapsulated in the following 3 things the startup world needs to do:
- Realise that design adds value
- Build a culture of design
- Hire the best designers you can afford

Sound advice (particularly the last bit) and part of the reason for setting up UX Café. Not just help and guidance, but education. You can't do it all yourself if you want to do it well. And design it's a luxury or afterthought, in these times it's a pre-requisite just to get noticed.


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