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Some vegan meetup ideas from Lori

From: gregory y.
Sent on: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 10:57 PM
oops, I neglected to include that Lori was hoping we might brainstorm at our next meetup, as to what other types of events we may hold in the future.
In her own words;

By the 16th you should have well recuperated from holiday festivities so come and share a delicious New Year meal with your fellow veggies. We'll also discuss possible future outings with the group such as:

?A trip to the crown of the Statue of Liberty followed by a vegan feast in the Big Apple

?Friday night Veggie Heaven dinner followed by karaoke in Englewood

?Vegan potluck and a night of board games

?Sunday brunch at the Rutherford Pancake House. See the awesome vegan menu here: http://www.rutherford...

?And other endless possibilities!

So bring your healthy appetite and your ideas and cya on the 16th! (of January, 7:00)RING IN THE NEW YEAR MONTHLY DINNER?