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Hello everyone

From: Leslie A
Sent on: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 10:36 PM
Dear Vegan Meetup Group Members,

I just wanted to welcome all the recent members of the group and say hello to everyone. It has been a while since I've made contact with this group. You can learn more about me at and some of the vegan macrobiotic courses I'm teaching.

I was hoping we could set up a meetup at Peace Cafe, but I am concerned that we will overwhelm them with their space being a little smaller than I had anticipated. Please go try them out if you haven't yet. It's awesome :-)

I'll look into the Legends suggestion and see how many people they would be able to accomodate.

On Tuesday, Rory Freedman, the author of Skinny Bitch was in town and spoke on behalf of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. Hope some of you got to attend. She's quite a character and I'm certain she talked many people in the audience into trying a vegan lifestyle. I ran into Gretchen there (a meetup group member) and so she inspired me to write to the group.

I will be posting some new cooking classes that I'll be offering this coming July soon (Ethnic Gourmet - similar to the meals that I served at the Church of the Crossroads).

Hope you're all enjoying your summer.


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