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Nutrition and Medical Professionals

From: Don R.
Sent on: Monday, June 29, 2009, 7:59 PM
Hi Meetup Member,

Here's a brief listing of local nutrition and medical professionals with whom you might wish consult. I have had very positive personal experiences with the two listed nutrition professionals, and have gotten good feedback on the medical doctors from friends.

Please let me know of any others in these two categories who you might recommend.

Please also check out the many recent updates on Earthsave Baltimore's webpage at, where you will find more helpful information under "resources", and many newly listed "volunteer opportunities."

Be well!

Peace, Don Robertson

Baltimore Area Nutrition Professionals

Mark Rifkin, MS, RD, LDN
Registered Dietitian Mark Rifkin, of Preventive Nutrition Services, has been vegetarian for over twenty years and earned an MS in Health Education. Through his private practice in Baltimore, MD, Mark provides group and individual sessions to help vegetarians and vegans improve the quality of their diet. He also focuses on plant-based nutrition for various chronic diseases and conditions, including diabetes, weight management, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, gout, women's health concerns, cancer, and early stage kidney failure. Contact Mark at [address removed], or call[masked].

Kasia Kines, MS, CNS, LDN
Licensed Nutritionist Kasia Kines practices at Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center in Lutherville, where she offers frequent 30-Day Rejuvenation Detoxification programs and other workshops, as well as private sessions. Contact Kasia at [address removed], or call[masked]. Website is

Holistically Oriented Medical Doctors

Carol L. Bowman, MD
Dr. Bowman has dual board certification in both Internal and Holistic Medicine. She brings to Harford Holistic Center over 10 years of experience in the practice of Holistic Internal Medicine, combining the best of Western conventional medicine with time honored alternative therapies. 1318 E. Churchville Road, Bel Air, MD 21014. Call[masked].

Ariane Cometa, MD
The Cometa Wellness Center was founded by Dr. Ariane Cometa, a Board Certified Physician. The Center's mission is to provide a supportive environment where conventional medical training and complementary therapies combine to create wellness. 1300 York Road, Building D - Suite #290, Lutherville, MD 21093. Call[masked].