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Enterprise Software / NYC SeedStart

From: Joseph R.
Sent on: Sunday, May 5, 2013, 7:58 PM
Hey all, if you're working on an enterprise software concept, you should check out NYC SeedStart this summer, an accelerator sponsored by the NY governor's office, a few NY VCs as well as several enterprise partners (Amazon, SAP, CA, T-Mobile / Deutsche Telekom). 

There are definitely both pros and cons about accelerator programs- happy to chat with anyone if you decide to apply. Details below:


NYC SeedStart's 3rd accelerator class starts in July in NYC and is focused exclusively on enterprise software. We are launching this program with a grant and support from the governor's office, a great group of venture capital firms (RRE, NYC Seed, Starvest Partners, Contour Venture Partners, Safeguard Scientific) and large enterprise corporate mentor partners (SAP, CA, Deutsche Telekom, Amazon).  All of the mentors of the program have deep enterprise experience.  Learn more and apply by going to our site:  Applications due May 13th.

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