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Meetup This Wednesday: Wordpress Security

From: Jaren S.
Sent on: Monday, September 14, 2015, 5:57 PM

Hello Everybody,

*It has come to our attention that an unauthorized event has been posted in our Meetup group. We do our best to bring you events specifically tailored to the interests of this group, and will be taking steps to prevent any more unauthorized events from being created and broadcast to everyone. Thank you for your patience while we deal with this matter.

I hope you're excited for Wednesday's Meetup, where we're going to cover what you need to know about WordPress security.

Our speakers for the event are:

Eoin O'Dwyer has been with Graphically Speaking for almost 3 years. As a senior front-end developer, Eoin helps keep the team on the cutting edge of web development in Vancouver.

Jason Truman has been the Technical Director of Graphically Speaking for over fourteen years in which time he has worked on hundreds of projects. He currently manages a team of six programmers. Jason is also responsible for the network and server infrastructure within Graphically Speaking and providing clients with technical recommendations. With experience in most web-based languages and technologies, Jason will address any technical issues or questions that arise during a project.

Seven Graylands has been the IT Systems Administrator at Graphically Speaking for over five years, and has recently led the overhaul of security protocols for Graphically Speaking's development process.

We also want to extend a warm thank you to our venue sponsor: the Technical Web Designer Program @BCIT for generously providing a place for us to meet once a month.

See you Wednesday!

The Vancouver Web Design Meetup Team



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