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New Meetup: Wasatch Hikers Public Hike

From: Dave B
Sent on: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 10:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Weber County Outdoors Meetup!

What: Wasatch Hikers Public Hike

When: Wednesday, April 7,[masked]:30 PM

Rainbow Gardens
1851 Valley Drive
Ogden, UT 84401

Everyone is welcome, bring your friends. If the weather is nice we will hike north taking the new under pass to cross 12th street. If it is snowing we will go south. We generally plan on hiking for a couple of hours but have gone shorter and longer to accommodate the mood of the group. Our goal is to get in shape from the winter so in a couple of months we can tackle some over the top hikes like Mt Ogden.


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