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SEO/SEM Conference (in Dallas)

From: Eric S.
Sent on: Monday, October 20, 2008, 9:22 AM
From Gabriel:

I am writing today in regards to the 2008 Texas Domainers And
Web Developers Convention in Grapevine Texas in November of
2008.  ( We are reaching out to groups that we
think can benefits from our conference which will cover
everything from SEM/SEO, Marketing, Branding, Programming,
Development, Domain Aquisitions, and much much more.  We are
interested in setting aside some free passes for Houston Web
Design Meetup, and would love the opportunity to speak to
someone from your organization about our event and the
possibilities we think could benefit your group.  Please give
me a call at[masked] or email me at [address removed] as soon
as possible.
Gabriel Baker

Eric Shafer
Click and Create
2400 Augusta Ste 369
Houston, TX 77057