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Was that message an advertisement?

From: Susan M.
Sent on: Friday, May 2, 2008, 8:24 AM
The last message was questioned as an advertisement.

I would like to explain what the last message was, for those who are not familiar with this community effort to obtain FRESHER and HIGHER nutrient fruits and vegetables.

This is a program put together to help support local farmers, and to help bring WHOLE FOOD and organic foods to individuals direct. Because this program is in place, it brings the fruits and vegetables to people in a fresher state, so they can get better nutrient rich foods, instead of fruits and vegetables that are picked early for grocery distribution. Some farms even allow you to pick it yourself, for the freshest state, for your share of fruits and vegetables. Individuals can save substantial amount off the price of fruits and vegetables, because you are buying direct from local farmers,

This is a community effort to support our local farmers.

Who benefits from this?

The consumer: They get high nutrient fruits and vegetables direct from the farm, at a fraction of the cost.

The farmer: It supports his farm and family

Who profits?

The farmer. Many of them are small farms scattered throughout PA, and the program allows you to specifically choose the farm that you would like to support.

I hope this makes things clearer.

Susan Miller

PWFN organizer

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