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Medium Meet up....

From: Tala
Sent on: Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 11:01 PM
Will be changed to January 11th...

It is too close to Christmas for alot of people to sign up, and Jessica
has to have a certain number of people to make it worth her while to 
come and do a group, as $20 is an extremely good price for a talented we are putting this meet up forward to January....

I will be changing the date tonite.

If you are interested in attending, 
a deposit of half the total price ($20.00) will be required to hold your
spot, which is $10.00 per person.

Unfortunately, as it happens often on this group, we had alot of people
sign up for the last one, and cancel at the last minute, and Jess lost
money in the wine and snacks she brought for everyone, as only 8 ppl
showed up. 

So now, she will need a deposit, which 
 can be either paid to the store, (Terrapin Traders)  or sent to Jess by
Paypal, which I will send in the next few days. 

Because of past incidents, of people cancelling at the last minute, we
will in the future need deposits for more and more classes where I
contract people, to make sure they are paid for their services.

I will also be sending out upcoming meet ups for 2013 in the next week

Love, Robin