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Italian Reds

From: gawain
Sent on: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 1:13 PM
Greetings everyone,

We'll be picking up the Italian Wines this evening from a phenomenal wine shop. You don't need to bring a bottle this time.

Italian wines are very food friendly, so I invite people to bring dishes or appetizers to share. Don't stress if you can't. It helps us appreciate what we're drinking, and allows those people who are coming from work to eat.

There are only a few spaces left. And since this is no cost, I'm expecting that there could be a run, last minute.

Please RSVP.

Also - if you have tasted a delicious wine, or have found a wine shop that is particularly intriguing, don't hesitate to post on the board. We would love some future suggestions about what we might try.

Look forward to seeing you Thursday evening.


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