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NYC Goes Lean Oct. 13

From: user 8.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 4, 2011, 6:40 AM

Dear Awesome Meetup Members,


Lean Startup Machine is a metrics-driven startup competition where teams learn to identify the key risks in their business model through hands-on mentorship and our framework of tools.

The applications deadline for our October 13-16 event is
 this Wednesday (extended), October 5, 2011.

>> Apply here <<


Event Speakers & Mentors:

Nate Berkopec, AngelSoft

Farrah Bostic, Difference Engine

Giff Constable, Lean Startup Meetup

Ben Fisher, Superpowered

John Frankel, ff Venture

Bryan Helmkamp, Efficiency 2.0 & NYC.rb

Lee Hoffman, Veri

San Kim, ShowMe

Johanna Kollmann, Design Jam

Kareem Kouddous, Crowdtap

Ryan MacCarrigan,AppFirst

Matt Meeker, Meetup

Lucas Nelson, DFJ Gotham

Charlie O'Donnell, First Round Capital
Steve Schlafman, Lerer Ventures
Josh Seiden, LUXr
David Teten, ff Venture
Dave Tisch, Tech Stars
Albert Wenger, Union Square Ventures


>> Applyhere <<

This is how the weekend will lay out:

·   Thursday evening you show up, have some pizza and drinks with other participants. Bring an idea to pitch so you get others to work with you OR bring your existing startup team (team discounts available) and work on what you are doing now! We will do some fun ice-breakers and you will get to know 50% of the participants in just the first night.

·   Friday evening you come back with and get rolling on documenting your assumptions and creating tests. A couple speakers will present to lay the foundation for the methodologies you’ll be using over the weekend. Ideally you’ll get out of the building and run your first test before the evening closes.

·   Saturday you’ll likely realize most of your assumptions are WRONG, so you will iterate at a crazy speed creating and validating new assumptions. You will generate a Minimum Viable Product, most likely a landing page to test the market and iterate until you will find the right market for your idea.

·   At last, Sunday afternoon you will present your learnings to the other teams and to a jury, this is not just a learning exercise, you will compete with the other teams and try to win against the others.

You will get the TOP brains in this space thinking about your idea, sharing insights into your market, helping tweak your messaging, looking at at working on your UX and even your code in just 48 hours. ONE HOUR of consulting with anyone of these people would be more than the price of admission!


Conference cost: 

First-timers $299

Alumni $150


Full event details and application link here.

Contact: [address removed]


The LSM Team

What LSM Alumni have to say:
“LSM saved me 6 months of wasted effort, and then gave me a way to make the next 6 months of my life the most powerful I've every experienced.”
"The most valuable time I've ever invested into becoming an entrepreneur."
“I’ll never look at a startup the same again.”


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