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Wags to Witches Halloween Party and more events!

From: Erika
Sent on: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 3:47 PM
Hi, Yorkie Lovers!

We will have our Halloween party early this year -- Saturday, October 2 from 2 to 3:30 pm at Biscuits and Bath on the Upper West Side. I will update the meeting notice very soon with categories and prizes. Once again we are inviting all small dogs to participate.
Wags to Witches Halloween Pizza Par?

The doggy social calendar is filling up quickly this fall! This Sunday, September 26 we will participate in the Best Friends Strut your Mutt Dog Walk and festival in the morning and then head to the Barking Beauty Pageant in New Jersey in the afternoon.

Click here to sign up for Strut your Mutt.

Click here to register for Barking Beauty.

Mets Bark in the Park is September 27.

Animal Haven is hosting a cool jewelry party on October 1.

I am compiling a listing of upcoming Halloween events and will post that soon.

See you soon!

Erika, Ginger, and Cubby

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