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What we’re about

My particular role as a trauma-informed coach is to bridge the gap between where you are now – perhaps after years of therapy - and where you want to be (moving forward and up).

What I found through my own experience, after a decade of therapy, is that I was able to function in the world quite well, but still had trouble with feeling adequate, confident, and able to achieve my dreams. Even though I felt like I probably mostly dealt with my past traumas, the second I woke up in the morning, I felt the dull buzz of anxiety, and the ache of dread. I worked a job a hated, would cower anytime any time anyone got mad at me, was a SERIOUS people-pleaser, and had stomach aches all the time.
I still had a nagging sense that everyone had it figured out except me…and that maybe I’d always feel this way. Ughhhhh. 

This is where trauma-informed coaching came in for me—and I’m here to offer you the same.  

**Note: therapy and coaching work GREAT together. You do not have to abandon therapy for coaching or vice versa.

As a trauma-informed coach, my fundamental belief is that you are not broken and there is nothing wrong with you.

We focus on forward movement through examining how your trauma is affecting your present life, and then moving you – step by step – towards your wildest goals and dreams.

I believe in you because I was where you are, too. After that decade of therapy, I hit that unexpected wall. I saw glimmers of who I could be, but didn’t know how to get there.
As a coach, I am not here to fix your problems or provide you with band aid solutions. I am not your guru or your answer. I am here to guide you back to yourself, so that YOU have the tools and therefore power over your own life.

My goal for you is self-sufficiency, self-regulation, self-belief, and self-trust. That may sound like “coach speak” and you may think “what does that even mean, for real,” but let it sink in for a sec.

The things you can create from self-sufficiency, self-regulation, self-belief, and self-trust is pure honest magic.

I’m talking:
You wake up feeling legitimately grateful and deeply relaxed.
You have solid spiritual practices that connect you to yourself…because you genuinely WANT to.
You pay for the person’s Starbucks drink behind you because feel a sense of abundance and want to pay it forward.
You know on a CELLULAR level that you can weather every.single.storm.
You can move out of bad moods in less than 30 minutes.
You accept exactly who you are and that inner abuser/critic FINALLY shuts the fuck up. You have power over this voice.
You actually learn what it is to genuinely love yourself.
Your visions/goals/dreams expand with you. You know you are capable and can do anything.
Instead of feeling defensive all the time with people you love, you now are able to communicate in a way that gets you what you want and doesn’t hurt others.

…this is just a short list of possible results from coaching. There are millions more.

In our coaching container, we navigate your deep-seated beliefs, excavate the ways in which you hold yourself back in your life (consciously and subconsciously), smash through old patterns, and develop new, wayyyy better ones that support your highest self.

As a trauma-informed coach, I have expertise in nervous system trauma responses, nervous system regulation, somatic healing techniques. I will help you discard shame, guilt, and suppression/oppression through powerful questions, finely-tuned attention and intuition, and potent practices.

I also know the proper channels for referral when appropriate and necessary. I promise to always keep your safety at the forefront of my mind.


Hi!! I'm Danelle.

I am a certified trauma-informed life coach, a nurse, have a master’s degree in Chinese medicine, and hold a 300+ hour meditation and yoga certification. I help women unburden themselves of the pressures/shame/self-loathing/never-enough-ness thrust onto them at birth and throughout the 80 (give or take) years of their lives.


"Danelle is one of the wisest and most compassionate people I've ever met, and her voice has been an invaluable source of guidance in my life. If you're struggling or just want to optimize and think you could benefit from having someone to talk to, I can't recommend her service highly enough."

"Because of your coaching, I’m able to process my feelings and give myself permission to create boundaries in my relationships and not feel guilty about these boundaries or feel a sense of abandonment. I had so much shame and guilt around creating boundaries, and have felt a removal of this shame."

"Coaching with you has been the greatest testament of my reattachment to myself. You’ve created a safe space for me to show up and do this work."

"I didn’t have the tools to get to the place I’ve wanted to be. You had the tools that have allowed me to take myself to places that I’ve wanted to go for SO long. You’ve been an incredible guide for me."

"Through coaching with you, I’ve learned how to connect to my own higher power. I’ve been able to experience myself from a place that I’ve never experienced myself from before. Being able to see myself for who I am and love and honor her has been the greatest gift."

"This experience has just been everything I’ve been longing for for a long time. You’ve been an incredible mirror. Thank you for being such a safe space to uncover my triggers and traumas and plant them back as beautiful little flowers in my garden. I water these flowers with whatever I need because I’m not scared of these parts of myself anymore."
"I would absolutely 100 percent recommend your coaching for anyone who is ready to feel unstuck and get to their next level, whatever that may look like."

“The biggest thing that has happened from coaching with you is I’m more in tune with who I really am. I know myself now. I feel so much more honest and self-aware. I used to be so self-conscious…and I would feel so guilty for the way I felt. I’m understanding that so many negative things are not worth my energy anymore. I feel lighter and free.
Something I’ve learned coaching with you is that I have all the insights within me, which has been the most valuable realization. You helped me be able to figure things out on my own. I’ve been having those light bulb moments where I think, “oh my god, it all makes sense.” I feel grounded and grateful.

I’ve seen a big difference in myself in just 6 weeks. I would recommend your coaching a thousand times over.”

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