What we’re about
Welcome game developers of Central Pennsylvania!
Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/K4pzHXS992
2024-07-18 NOTE I fixed the link to not expire, if it didn't work for you before, try again!
(Discord is a popular voice/chat program that we use. Click the link above to join our server for events and chat.).
Back when I started playing around with game programming 30 years ago, there was no such thing as an internet like today. Wanting to make games on the east coast seemed like a different world from the west coast, where all the real video games were developed with secret knowledge by small studios tied to either Hollywood or Silicon Valley.
Nowadays, there is so much info out there to create *virtually* anything you can imagine! If you are looking for a group of people to discuss the possibilities and even try to create some new magic, feel free to stop by and see what is new. I think being able to engage personally and showcase design ideas can be a source of inspiration for all of us.
The kinds of tech that might be encountered here is Unity3D, Unreal, Blender, Maya, Visual Studio, and various programming languages like C++, C#, Python, Lua, or Shaders. Advanced tech like VR or AR are always a possibility too.
Other related topics may include board games, game design theory, software optimization, graphics programming, AI design, sound production, and functional programming.
Since there seems to be a lack of game dev type interest groups in the Centre County area, I decided to start this group.