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Will I see you Thursday morning?

From: Christina W.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 16, 2010, 11:55 AM
If you have not attended one of the 9:05 meetings you will NOT want to miss this one. If you have then you know how much fun we have!

Bring your business cards, flyers, and anything that will help the group learn what you do. Be prepared to do a short elevator speech explaining why we should do business with you and who you need to know. Take time to think about who a good referral source might be.

If one of the things your business could use is up to 100K in business credit then you REALLY don't want to miss this Thursday! I have a special guest to come and speak for 5 minutes about what she does best. I know and trust her and this is exactly why I'm bringing her to the group.

Since we have much to do on Thursday I am asking that everyone arrive on time so we can get started and quickly get you on your way.

Location: The Aloft Hotel, 951 Playa Del Norte Dr. Tempe, AZ (202 Freeway & Scottsdale Rd)
Time: 9 - 10:30 am
Cost: FREE

Questions? Call me[masked]

See you soon,

Christina Wagner

Christina's Networking @ 9:05

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