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After Work Networking | Friday, July 6, 2018 | 6:00 PM | Old Ebbitt Grill | Washington, DC

From: Atul P.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 9:57 AM

After Work Networking
Friday, July 6,[masked]:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Old Ebbitt Grill[masked]th St NW, Washington, DC 20005

Fill out LEARN-YOUR-BEST-MATCHES form below to attend / network. (<= CLICK)

Meet new friends, eat in a restaurant, watch a movie and plan for the weekend!

This is a FREE open public NETWORKING event for people who like to be involved in SOCIAL networking in the local area. Everyone is welcome. The event is about Food, Drink, Social, Friends, Groups, Travel, Hiking, Camping, Sports, Arts, Music, Dance, Films, Culture, Health, Yoga, Fitness, etc. There will not be any event organizer at the venue, so you are on your own.

NOTE: Use your best judgment and discretion and do your due diligence and research before you share your info with attendees and meet with them. Also, there’s no event organizer at the venue to guide you, so please be on your own and be proactive to find out other attendees, introduce yourself, share business cards, invite others to a movie and help yourselves with food.

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