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After Work Networking | Fri Sept 21 | 6:00 PM | Founding Farmers DC| Washington, DC

From: Atul P.
Sent on: Monday, August 27, 2018, 6:41 PM

After Work Networking (Washington) (<= Click to RSVP)

Friday, September 21,[masked]:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Founding Farmers DC 1924 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20006


Fill out LEARN-YOUR-BEST-MATCHES (<= CLICK) form to attend / network.


Meet new friends, eat in a restaurant, watch a movie and plan for the weekend!


It's an open free CONVENIENCE NETWORKING event for business and techn professionals.


Check your match-making email about 3 hours before the event, reach out to your best target matches in advance and make your own plans to meet one-on-one with your best matches at the venue.


Organizers can not guarantee how many attendees will attend or who will attend. Generally, 20%-30% of those who RSVP are likely to attend.


There will be NO EVENT ORGANIZER at the venue to guide you.


Be on your own. You are welcome to become an organizer if you figure out a way to coordinate with other attendees. If and when you arrive at the venue, search for other attendees, introduce yourself, share business cards, and plan your evening.


NOTE: Use your best judgment and discretion and do your due diligence and research before you share your info with attendees and meet with them.



- How many business cards did you walk away with from the last conference/event you attended?

- How many of those business card or social connections can you reach out to for help, for advice, or a phone call?

- How many meaningful social invitations or emails did you receive and send?


If your answer to any of the question is none, then fill out the form above and network with attendees at our event in a very effective and efficient way. Share your details and interest, learn your best matches and make meaningful and long lasting professional connections.