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Prairie Dogs and Colorado Horse Rescue

From: Heather
Sent on: Thursday, June 21, 2012, 3:49 PM
Hello all,
I have just learned that the prairie dog situation has gotten worse.  Colorado Horse Rescue is poisoning prarie dogs on their property." Poison is the least compassionate way to alleviate the prairie dog problem.  Poison slowly kills, burning eyes and lungs, causing great pain and hemorrhaging as they SLOWLY die. It can also kill other non-taget species as well.  How can people who care for suffering horses cause so much harm to other animals"?
The county has issued a violation letter to them for the poisonings, but hey a slap on the wrist is hardly justice for the miserable little prairie dogs. Thanks to SB111 passed in 1999, lawmakers consider the prairie dog pretty much in the same light as the cockroach and the way the legislation is written,  people seeking to relocate PD's must seek approval of county commissioners of county they will be relocated,  pretty much making it a Catch-22.   "But to see an organization like CHR resort to poison, rather than seeking some other solution is distressing" to say the least. (quotes are attributed to Pamela White, the writer of the article in the (6/14/2012 issue) Boulder Weekly; Prairie Dogs Poisoning Shows Need For Protection.
I urge you to take the time to call and let them know your opinion on their cruel killing of prairie dogs, an very essential part of the prairie eco-system. 
Here is their number[masked], please ask for the executive director, Judy Smetana @ X2201). 
This needs to be stopped and as we all know, many voices are louder than one.
Thank you.
Heather Hintz 

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