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Webgirl Technology

From: Rikki S.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 8:10 AM

It was nice seeing everyone at the Meetup on Tuesday, January 15.


Webgirl Technology is available to share website design and internet marketing ideas. Our current special includes an eCommerce website for $1,599, which includes:

Custom flash header

10 content pages

10 pictures

50 product catalog items - With Data Entry


All of our website designs include:

· Unlimited site modifications

· Mobile website

· Complete eCommerce functionality

· Search Engine tool

· 10 GB storage space

· Email accounts

· Live technical support

· Free software upgrades


If you’re serious about the success of your business, you owe it to yourself to look at the comprehensive Internet Business Solution Webgirl Technology offers.



Happy New Year! Rikki


Rikki Schneider

Webgirl Technology, LLC



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