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Book and Movie Group

From: Kim R
Sent on: Tuesday, November 9, 2010, 9:13 PM
Hi everyone,

I wanted to invite you all to the WNC Atheists book and movie group. Each month we meet to either discuss a book or watch a film together.
This month is the book group. We are meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, at 7 PM, to discuss "In the Land of Believers: An Outsider's Extraordinary Journey into the Heart of the Evangelical Church", by Gina Welch. I know this is in only 2 weeks, but it is a fast read. I have just started it and think that you all will enjoy it. If you don't finish the book, come to the meeting anyway. It should be a good discussion, and you'll get a chance to vote on our next book.

We meet at our house in West Asheville. Please let Russell or I know if you plan to make it, and we'll send you directions:

Kim's email: [address removed]
Russell's e-mail: [address removed]

We will send the details for December's movie night in the next few weeks.

P.S. Don't forget, tomorrow is our weekly meetup at Scully's!

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