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Regarding the Valentines Speed Dating event or OTHER NEW EVENTS

From: Ronald L.
Sent on: Thursday, January 22, 2015, 1:43 PM

Hi there,

Just wanted to update you all about the proposed Speed Dating event. I'm finding it difficult to find an appropriate venue and organize this event. I've changed the date to Wednesday, February 4th, but if the situation is still the same (no venue, no helpers) then I'd much rather just...

Host a valentines dinner or social mixer for the group. I do have a lot of guys and girl friends who are not part of this group who want to come and we may even partner with some other groups to do this as well.

So, in the meantime, you can still RSVP for the Speed Dating event on the Asian Social Group, but there is a chance that we'll just change it to another event.

Stay cool everyone!


Ronald Lee
c/o Ronald Lee Studios

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