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Awesome news hot off the press!!

From: vince b.
Sent on: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 4:57 PM

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to ping you all and make a few announcements; it may or may-not involve free stuff ;)

  • First, our group numbers are growing extremely fast! Last checked we were at 375 members strong and growing!! I'm still going to continue capping normal monthly meetups at 50 people until the need to bump up arrises.
  • Second, if you haven't already you should signup & RSVP for our next meetup (June 18th): 
    -- Out of Context Web & App reviews There's only 21 spots left so make sure to grab yours! Like last time, there's going to be great food and wine there again.
  • Third, our 1st workshop is next Saturday on June 9th. For everyone who said they wanted to get more hands on — this is it. The focus on on Mobile UX Prototyping & Storytelling. It's going to be fun and very informative so you don't want to miss it — right now there is only 14 seats left.

    As a bonus, all attendees will receive a free electronic version of "Storytelling for User Experience" published by Rosenfeld — A $22 value FREE! — in addition to the chance to win a hard-copy of the book too.

    Also, we must thank Hypepotamus as they're graciously allowing us to use their space for this workshop.
  • Forth, I need help! I can't do this on my own, I'm looking for at-least 2-3 ambitious, self-starting and awesome people who would love to help continue bringing this group to life with more awesome meetups, workshops, and conferences in the future! 

    That's it. I hope to see you soon, and please keep the feedback coming as to what you all want & need out of this group. I'm doing this for you, and I can't know unless you tell me  :D

    AND DEFINITELY HUGE THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS: eHire, MailChimp & Rosenfeld Media!!!
    - i <3 these guys - Your friendly neighborhood Organizer, Vince

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