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New and Upcoming Events - August 16, 2012 Edition - Addendum

From: Shaune
Sent on: Thursday, August 16, 2012, 12:38 PM

Sorry for the resend but somehow the fantastic Star Party got missed off and we couldn't have that!

Those of you familiar with the fantastic Atlanta Science Tavern will notice the blatant plagiarism, but hey if an idea is good, it is worth copying!

We are going to start a regular reminder email containing not only upcoming Atlanta Skeptics events, but also any skeptical related events that we want to draw to your attention.


Shaune and Cindy

This week

Saturday, 7p
August Skeptics in the Pub: Regime Change Edition
Join us at our regular time and place for an even-more-action-packed-than-usual meeting. We'll have puppets, dragons and mutany!

Later this month

Thu, Aug 30, 7p
Atlanta Skeptics Star Party 2012
We are proud to present our fourth annual Charity Star Party a Star Party in memory of Jeff Medkeff. Astronomers Phil Plait and Nicole Gugliucci will be hosting the event with musical guests George Hrab and Marian Call! Proceeds to go to Light the Night – the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Aug 31-Sep 3

Dragon*Con Skeptrack
A complement of live entertainment and discussion panels for the legions of free thinkers, science enthusiasts and skeptics helping to put the Science in Science Fiction at Dragon*Con.


Oct 25-28
CSICon Nashville
CSICon 2012 is coming to Nashville October 25–28, and it’s bringing the best and the brightest minds of science and skepticism for an unmissable assemblage of fascinating talks and presentations, enlightening panel discussions, eye-opening workshops, and more food and fun than you can fit into the Grand Ole Opry. And with all the anti-science activity taking place in the statehouse, what better time could there be for a bunch of skeptics to descend upon Tennessee?



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