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4 quick Extravaganza updates

From: Judith B.
Sent on: Thursday, May 3, 2012, 10:29 AM

1  The location for the Extravaganza is the Doubletree Hotel Denver Tech-- on the west side of 25 at Orchard.

2 Kremer event at the Extravaganza is SOLD OUT with waiting list--absolutely no walk-ins this afternoon.  We start at 4.30 today.  Friday is at 8 am--don't forget, dinner is included and Saturday 7.15 am--over at 5. We have  29 Exhibitors--including the Tattered Cover Press.

3. One of our out of state members is staying at the hotel--if you are looking to stay and want to share a room, contact Bonita Yorder at [masked] --she's flying in from Kansas.

4.  Don't forget--we have a professional photographer onsite--you can get terrific head shots for as low at $85--if you are thinking of this... bring a couple of different tops/jackets/shirts, etc.  Take advantage--Ashlee Bratton does beautiful work.

I'll see many of you this afternoon--  Judith

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