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Conference volunteers anyone?

From: Bruce G.
Sent on: Sunday, August 12, 2018, 9:43 PM

Hello there.....

The Freethought Alliance conference is only 2 weeks away and we are getting prepared for a very full day!

I'm looking for several volunteers that will help with load-in and load-out, and to help with registration on August 26th. You'll receive free admission, a free breakfast and lunch - a $115 value. Since the conference starts at 8am we'll need your help at 6am. (ouch!)  Also looking for a couple of door-checkers for the 25th dinner at the Spaghetti Factory in Fullerton.

We have a speaker who needs a room for Saturday and Sunday nights and transportation to the conference.  If you have one available let me know.  You'll receive free admission to the conference.

If you answer is YES: I'm having a volunteer meeting/Pizza party either on Aug. 20th or 21st - whichever night is open to all the volunteers. Let me know if you were interested and I'll add you to the Doodle calendar so you can decide which night is best for you.

Email me at [address removed].  Don't use the Meetup message system.

And if you can't volunteer, register up before August 24th!


Bruce Gleason

Conference director


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