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Please RSVP to our Happy Hour @ BusBoys & Poets in Washington DC (June 11 starting @ 6pm) if you haven't already

From: Jeff W.
Sent on: Monday, June 9, 2008, 12:18 PM
AS of 12:00pm today we have only ...

Who's coming

Yes (8)

Maybe (4)


Please RSVP here ( if you haven't already.

And PLEASE Remember that the owner of BusBoys & Poets is doing us a FAVOR, and trusting us to fill up our section every month.  The owner of BusBoys & Poets and The management @ BusBoys & Poets have everyright to rescind on the deal of not charging us (BusBoys & Poets  normally charge upwards of $200/hour for a space that BIG) IF we start only showing up with 10 people (which I don't think is going to ever happen b/c the place kicks ass). 

Thank you in advance.


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